Great Documentaries
Friends, see these docs when you can. Most are either on Netflix or HBO.
I recommend all of these highly:
The Artist is Present- You should see this because Marina Abramovic is a rad performance artist who is totally dedicated to what she does.
Jiro Dreams of Sushi - Here's another person totally dedicated to his craft. Watch this one on a full stomach, or better yet, with lots of fresh fish in front of your face. I am ready to reserve at Jiro's restaurant right now. If I get a reservation, I may just fly to Tokyo for it.
Client 9 - All about former politico Eliot Spitzer and his downfall. Same old story we've heard countless times. But somehow documentarian Alex Gibney makes it seem like a crime/mystery movie. Up and coming politician, beautiful family, everything going for him, you know the rest...
A Tale of Two Escobars- Fascinating weaving of two seemingly disparate tales that are not so disparate after all. How coincidental that the soccer star and drug lord, besides having the same name, were also killed by the same people. Amazing footage, interviews, and editing in this one.
One Nation Under Dog- This one had me in tears after about 15 minutes. Some of the most graphic animal abuse footage I've seen. Dog lovers beware: This film is a tough one, but an important one to see. Nobody should buy their dogs from pet stores and the inhumane puppy mills that supply them. Adopt!
Strangers No More - This is the most uplifting doc I've seen in a while, about a truly remarkable school in Tel Aviv, Israel. Just do yourself a favor and see this. It will restore your faith in humanity.